Printable Daily Chore Chart Template

Customizable daily chore chart template for assigning and tracking household tasks.
Sample Blank Daily Chore Chart Template

A daily chore chart is a tool that helps individuals and families stay organized and manage their household tasks efficiently. It is a visual representation of the chores that need to be done daily, providing a clear and structured way to track and complete tasks.

With a daily chore chart, you can easily assign responsibilities, keep track of completed chores, and encourage accountability.

How Do You Make a Daily Chore Chart?

Creating a daily chore chart is simple and can be customized to fit your specific needs. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create your own:

  1. Identify the chores: Start by making a list of all the daily chores that need to be done in your household. Include tasks such as making the bed, doing the dishes, taking out the trash, and cleaning up after pets.
  2. Assign responsibilities: Determine who will be responsible for each chore. Depending on the age and capabilities of the individuals in your household, you can assign different tasks to different people or rotate responsibilities.
  3. Download a chart template: Download our free printable daily chore chart template available on this website.
  4. Add details: Fill in the chart with the specific chores and the names of the individuals responsible for each task. You can also include additional details such as the time of day the task should be completed or any special instructions.
  5. Print and display: Once your chore chart is complete, print it out and display it in a visible and accessible location, such as the refrigerator or a bulletin board. Make sure everyone in the household knows where to find the chart and understands how to use it.

Benefits of Using a Daily Chore Chart

Using a daily chore chart offers numerous benefits for both individuals and families. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Organization: A chore chart helps to bring structure and organization to your daily routines by providing a clear overview of the tasks that need to be completed.
  • Accountability: With a chore chart, everyone in the household has a clear understanding of their responsibilities, promoting accountability and reducing the likelihood of tasks being overlooked or forgotten.
  • Time management: By assigning specific chores to specific individuals, a chore chart helps to distribute the workload evenly and ensures that tasks are completed on time.
  • Teaching responsibility: For children, using a chore chart is a great way to teach them about responsibility, teamwork, and the importance of contributing to the household.
  • Visual reminder: Having a chore chart displayed in a prominent location serves as a visual reminder of the tasks that need to be done, reducing the need for constant verbal reminders or nagging.


Here is an example of a daily chore chart:

  • Monday:
    • Make the bed – John
    • Do the dishes – Sarah
    • Take out the trash – Dad
    • Clean up after pets – Sarah
  • Tuesday:
    • Make the bed – Sarah
    • Do the dishes – John
    • Take out the trash – Mom
    • Clean up after pets – John
  • Wednesday:
    • Make the bed – Mom
    • Do the dishes – Sarah
    • Take out the trash – John
    • Clean up after pets – Dad
  • Thursday:
    • Make the bed – Dad
    • Do the dishes – John
    • Take out the trash – Sarah
    • Clean up after pets – Sarah
  • Friday:
    • Make the bed – Sarah
    • Do the dishes – Mom
    • Take out the trash – John
    • Clean up after pets – Mom

Additional Tips for Using a Chore Chart

Here are some additional tips to make the most out of your daily chore chart:

  • Be consistent: Stick to the routine and ensure that each chore is completed on its designated day. Consistency will help establish good habits and keep everyone accountable.
  • Make it age-appropriate: Assign chores that are suitable for each individual’s age and abilities. Younger children can start with simpler tasks and gradually take on more responsibilities as they grow.
  • Offer rewards: Consider implementing a reward system to motivate individuals to complete their chores. Rewards can be as simple as a sticker or a small treat, or you can create a points system that leads to a larger reward at the end of the week or month.
  • Review and adjust: Regularly review your chore chart and make adjustments as needed. As circumstances change and individuals become more proficient in certain tasks, you may need to reassign or modify responsibilities.
  • Lead by example: Show your commitment to the chore chart by completing your tasks consistently and demonstrating a positive attitude towards household responsibilities. Leading by example will encourage others to follow suit.

Download the Chore Chart Template!

Stay organized and on top of household tasks with our printable daily chore chart template!

Customizable and user-friendly, our template allows you to assign daily chores, track completion, and establish routines effortlessly. Whether you’re managing chores for yourself, your family, or roommates, our template ensures accountability and ensures a clean and organized living space.

Download now to simplify your daily chore management!

Daily Chore Chart TemplateExcel | PDF

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